john kaminsky , no honest americans .
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Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 09:43:42 -0500
From: "John Kaminski" (skylax@comcast.net) Add to Address Book
To: "Jean Hudon" (globalvisionary@earthrainbownetwork.com)
CC: "Jackie Patru" (jackie@sweetliberty.org), "janus@leftgatekeepers.com"
Subject: No honest Americans
No honest Americans
U.S. citizens cheer their criminal nation savaging the whole world
By John Kaminski
The presidential election, Bush vs. Kerry, what a joke! Two privileged
plutocrats, two psychotic perverts from the same demonic college
fraternity, neither ever had to hold a job, each advocating continuing
crimes against humanity, even against their own people. And to make
matters worse, they no longer count the votes honestly. The computer
spits out a predetermined total, and the TV whores tell you to believe
it. And just like in the election itself, you have no real choice.
Two spoiled children of privilege, born into incomprehensible wealth,
constantly gathering more as they go on their immoral ways, devising
ever more evil strategies by which to fleece the slaves of the world,
preparing to divide America into armed camps, all the while taking
lead from the evil Israelis, who build walls against humanity and
whomever they please. The few people who try to point out the injustice
are either prohibited from speaking or thrown into jail without trial,
or outright murdered. The new American way is the old Israeli way. But
Americans embrace it, as they continue their sleepwalking march toward
slavery and oblivion. Cheering with empty eyes as they go.
Does it not strike you as odd — assuming you are a thinking, feeling
human being not yet too retarded by flouride, chemtrails, food
additives, antidepressants and demonically engineered food that will
eventually poison you to death — that there is not a single principled
public figure in America who has pointed out that America's rape of
violates every international law and moral precept that has ever been
written by the great minds of the past? That the dispersal of uranium
all over Central Asia will kill millions? That the clumsy coverup of
inside job of mass murder on 9/11 was the ultimate betrayal of all
What ARE Americans doing? Cowering in their undefendable homes and
waiting for the end?
Does it not strike you as odd that no one speaks out about America's
crimes against the world? Against poor people everywhere? Against its
own citizens?
Now the real deal is on the table. A New Orleans judge has ruled that
the cops can invade your own home without a warrant. That's the end of
the Fourth Amendment, a citizen's protection against unreasonable
and seizure, the very basis of freedom in America. This is merely the
expected verification of the Patriot Act, that Soviet-style law that
allows the government to control every aspect of your life. Now, no one
is safe from American tyranny. 1984 has finally arrived.
And no one speaks out against it. How dumbed down we have become.
even paid attention to the recent 9/11 conference in San Francisco,
which was sparsely attended. Same with the recent peace marches marking
the first anniversary of the American invasion of Iraq. But that may be
because participants were afraid to ask the hard questions, intimidated
as they were by a choking climate of mindless flag-waving that refuses
to consider the real evidence or challenge the lies that are being told
every day by our bought-off media.
The 9/11 critics and those who marched with signs merely nibbled around
the edges of the problem, pointing out inconsistencies here and
anomalies there. They didn't come out screaming for blood, for
retribution, for justice, that America's governmental system is a
criminal enterprise that kills innocent people on a daily basis. And as
a result, the thugs in power just ignored them and kept telling their
same old lies.
There is no evidence Arab hijackers did the dirty deed on 9/11. If
was, don't you think they would have released it, would have trumpeted
it to the skies, and said, "Look, here is the proof we were telling the
truth." If they had that evidence, you can be sure they would release
it. But they haven't released it, which means they don't have it.
about all this barking about Richard Clarke and Condoleeza Rice and
Bush knew and when he might have known it. These are all side issues
meant to distract you from the real issue.
The real issue is that Arab hijackers DIDN'T do it, or we would have
heard the evidence by now, two and a half years later.
So the real question is not about the 9/11 panel, or who said what to
whom. The real question is who did it. And it wasn't Arab hijackers. So
who does that leave?
America is a criminal state, flouting international law and laughing
about it. Our president makes jokes about the lies he told to enrich
crony corporate accomplices with the scam in Iraq. He makes jokes about
the lies he told that cost the lives of hundreds of American service
people, not to mention tens of thousands of innocent civilians abroad.
He makes jokes about it. And most Americans laugh with him. And wave
their flags. And laugh as they break the law.
There is no law in America now. Only tyranny. Only bought-off judges
allow the rich to steal from the poor, and imprison the poor who break
no law at all. At the same time they open the borders so hungry
immigrants from Third World disaster countries (disasters engineered by
oppression from the United States) can stream into the country and
the standard of living for everyone else. Except the rich patricians
can get away with anything. They are allowed to commit c