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    Dla zaintersesowanych - nie wszyscy Republikanie w USA mają
    podobnie zakute łby jak "dabju" : dowód poniżej

    The Pepublican Pro-Choice Coalition.
    RPCC is honored to have longtime Choice Advocate, Former CA
    Governor Pete Wilson as the Chair of our National Advisory
    Committee. The RPCC Advisory Committee is comprised
    distinguished public officials who have gone above and beyond
    the call of duty in their support of women's reproductive

    RPCC National Board:
    Dina Merrill Jennifer Blei Stockman

    Chairs Emeritus
    Susan R. Cullman Samuel F. Pryor, III

    Board of Directors:
    Susan J. Bevan Woody Bliss
    David Greer Elsie Hillman
    Anne Hale Johnson Bim Kendall
    Barbara Maves Ellen Milberg
    Eileen Padberg Katheryn Patterson
    Elizabeth Curtiss Smith Dorothy Sprague
    Candy Straight

    Executive Director
    Kellie L. Rose

    Advisory Committee:
    Hon. Pete Wilson (CA), Chair
    Pres. and Mrs. Gerald Ford
    Mr. Robert Bass (NH) Rep. Judy Biggert (IL)
    Rep. Sherwood L. Boehlert (NY) Hon. Tom Campbell (CA)
    Sen. Lincoln Chafee (RI) Sen. Susan Collins (ME)
    Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ) Hon. Benjamin A. Gilman (NY)
    Mrs. Barry Goldwater (AZ) Rep. Jim Greenwood (PA)
    Hon. Steve Horn (CA) Rep. Amo Houghton, Jr. (NY)
    Rep. Nancy L. Johnson (CT) Rep. Sue Kelly (NY)
    Rep. Mark Kirk (IL) Hon. Connie Morella (MD)
    Gov. George E. Pataki (NY) Hon. John Edward Porter (IL)
    Rep. Christopher Shays (CT) Rep. Rob Simmons (CT)
    Hon. Alan Simpson (WY) Sen. Olympia Snowe (ME)
    Sen. Arlen Specter (PA) Hon. Arliss Sturgulewski (AK)
    Hon. Jane Swift (MA) Hon. Sue Wagner (NV)

    RPCC PAC Board:
    Pat Green

    Board of Directors:
    Arcadio Casillas Susan R. Cullman
    Isabel Furlaud Dina Merrill
    Constantine Sidamon-Eristoff Dorothy Sprague
    PAC Advisory Committee:
    Hon. John Buchanan (AL) Hon. Barber Conable (NY)
    Hon. Bill Frenzel (MN) Hon. Nancy Kassebaum (KS)
    Hon. Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. (CA) Hon. William G. Milliken (MI)
    Hon. Peter Smith (VT) Hon. William Weld (MA)

    Na wyjazd z dziećmi (ale tylko pod kątem dzieci, bo dla dorosłego to tam moze
    być zbyt spokojnie i narciarsko nie specjalnie challenging (sorry po polsku
    wyzywające ???)) bardzo polecam słowacką miejsowość Donavaly, cisza pokój i
    bezpiecznie. Duzo szkółek dla dzieci, mój tam sie nauczył tak zę następnym
    razem zjeżdzał już ze mna po czarnej trasie w austrii gdzie rozgrywany był
    Puchar Swiata.

    Welcome to Donovaly

    Donovaly at a glance

    Vertical drop: 460m/1510ft
    Top Elevation: 1,360m/4,461'
    Lifts: 15 (1 chair, 14 surface)
    Total Runs: 10 km
    Longest Run: 2km
    Cross Country: 60 km

    As you look around, the choice of a walking tour or a simple stroll through
    the woods depends only on your physical and mental preparedness. We would
    inform you that areas open for passage include public roadways, paths
    signposted and the woods themselves. We also call your attention to the cable
    car that leads up to the eastern section of the VerkĂĄ Fatra mountain range,
    specifically to Nova Hola at a height of 1,347 meters. (In the summer every
    hour between 08.00-16.00)

    From here, the view over the VysokĂŠ Tatry, Nizke Tatry, Velka Fatra, and
    SlovenskĂŠ Rudohorie on a clear day is nothing short of stunning!

    The community of Donovaly is spread over a mountain plateau at 990 meters
    above sea level, through which runs an important route joining northern and
    southern Slovakia. It is a sought-after site for summer mountain tourism and
    winter skiing, both alpine and classic downhill. A novel feature of recent
    years is the popular European snow dog-team trials.

    This former mining center is now the administrative center for the Bully,
    Misuty, Mistriky and Hanesy principalities. In the center of the town stands a
    classical church dating from the year 1825 with its original interior. In
    various places is to be found typical folk architecture, for example log
    cabins and glassed-in south-facing verandas. Recently many of these buildings
    have been refurbished for tourism and recreation.

    If your taste lies in hiking tours over a number of days along the Nizke
    Tatry ridge, and you wish to acclimatize and get into shape, you’ve chosen the
    ideal spot. You could for example start from Donovaly along the red-marked
    mountain path to the highest point of the Nizke Tatry, a 3 to 6 day hike.

    According to your personal physical condition and weather, you could decide
    to stop your tour at various places along the path, among others at Chopok
    where the seat-lift has its final station at an elevation of 2,005 meters.
    From here, it’s possible to travel by the lift to JasnĂĄ, continuing either by
    bus to Liptovsky MikulĂĄs or by the lift to Srdiecko and then by bus to BanskĂĄ
    Bystrica. From Chopok it’s also possible to continue hiking eastwards to
    Dumbier, the highest mountain in the Nizke Tatry at 2,043 meters, from there
    along to the plateau named Certovica where you’ll find bus connections to the
    south or northern Nizke Tatry. The more dedicated hiker will continue
    traveling to the most easterly part of the range, where its attractions
    culminate at the romantic Kralova Hola. We would remind hikers that in such
    mountain conditions, appropriate outfitting, including tent and sleeping bag,
    is essential.

    We offer a short informational package for all but shorter few hour trips in
    the vicinity of the campsite. This guide is especially beneficial for car
    trips farther a field, mostly circular routes to the most attractive sites,
    castles, historic folk dwellings, stalactite and ice caves, thermal springs,
    traditional architecture and various memorials. Most of these trips can be
    covered in a half-day’s driving (110 to 250 km.) and depend only on one’s
    particular interest. Be forewarned, most of these mountain roads are narrow,
    winding routes leading to pretty romantic destinations in the Liptov. Orava,
    Pohronie, Turiec and Horehronie mountain regions.

    Map with the elevators:

    Name Length Pers/h
    SL-3 NovĂĄ Hola 1325 1305
    LV F 12 MiąĂşty 368 600
    LV H 130 Patociny 793 900
    LV F 10 Cudenice 362 500
    LV Leitner ZĂĄhradiąte I. 600 1200
    LV Leitner ZĂĄhradiąte II. 600 800
    LV H 130 ZĂĄhradiąte III. 774 900
    LV P 1 " 150 600
    LV S 1 " 200 400
    LV P 2 " 150 600
    LV P 3 " 350 600
    LV P 4 " 280 600
    LV P 5 " 280 600
    LV P 6 EnciĂĄn 260 600
    LV S 2 100 300

    wpisz Donovaly do Google i bedzie wiecej.

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