> Herman Schwartz, a constitutional law professor at American University who has
> written about FBI history, said collecting intelligence at demonstrations was
> probably legal.
wlasnie - o to chodzi, to jest legalne. FBI od dawno monitorowalo KKK,
faszystow, etc. Oni tez wszyscy demonstrowali "pokojowo".
Moze ci sie to nie podoba ale w USA jak cos jest LEGALNE to mozna to robic.
Nawet prowadzic burdel w Newadzie.
Głos brytyjskich Muzułmanów
Na stronie internetowej MEMRI jest bardzo ciekawy transkrypt rozmowy, jaką
telewizja katarska Al-Jazeera przeprowadziła 8 lipca 2005 (dzień po zamachach)
z imamem Hani Al-Siba'i, szefem London Center for Islamic History.
Wywiad jest arcyciekawy i pokazuje, że Wielka Brytania spokojnie pozwala
absolutnym oszołomom namawiać do zbrodni a także ją pochwalać. Amerykańskim
zwyczajem (tak zniszczono KKK i kilka innych organizacji), rodziny ofiar
powinny wystąpić do sądu o wielomilionowe odszkodowania od London Center for
Islamic History i innych tego typu organizacji.
Najciekawsza jest końcówka wywiadu, gdzie tryumfujący Al-Siba'i mówi:
"If Al-Qaeda indeed carried out this act, it is a great victory for it. It
rubbed the noses of the world's eight most powerful countries in the mud. This
victory is a blow to the economy..."
W USA za taką wypowiedź dostałby dożywocie (bo sam w tym robi).
Jan K.
Plakat-agitek Jana z KKK nie polecam, polecam...
to, czego nie wolno czytac czlonkom Klanu, bo ich zdrowe spojrzenie na potege
bialego czlowieka mogloby to wypaczyc i Jan z KKK ponad wszelka watpliwosc o
tych pozycjach nawet nie slyszal:
1) kodeksy Majow, Aztekow, Olmekow itp. ze slawnym Kodeksem Watykanskim na
czele - dostepne takze w opracowaniach polskich
2) klasyczne dzielo z czasow konkwisty ojca Dominikanina, Bartolome de Las
Casas (istnieje w przekladzie polskim, choc tytulu nie pamietam)
2)Bernard Diaz del Castillo "The Conquest of New Spain", tez z czasow
konkwisty, tez w wydaniu polskim
3) wiele opracowan naukowych poczynajac od XIX-wiecznych, jak np. William
Prescott "History of The Conquest of Mexico", po zupelnie wspolczesne jak Nidel
Davies "Ancient Kingdoms of Mexico" czy Hugh Thomas "The Conquest of Mexico".
Rzecz jasna, autorom tych powaznych opracowan nie miesza sie w glowie i nie
usiluja nikomu wmawiac analogii pomiedzy zdobyciem Meksyku a wojna w Wietnamie.
Gość portalu: antyarab napisał(a):
> www.white-history.com/hwr5.htm
> Zobaczysz że tak naprawdę jesteśmy WIELKĄ INDO-EUROPEJSKĄ RODZINĄ.!!!
Podobne materialy znajdziesz tu:
polecam, zsikasz sie ze szczescia ilu takich przyglupow jak ty chodzi po
America, a history of evil
This is how I would classify the American historical experience. It is a
history of evil, unleashed upon those whom America considered less than human.
The history ofcourse began with the Native Americans. The Native American
Holocaust Museum estimates, based on anthropological data, that SEVEN MILLION
Indians died in the formation of Canada and America. SEVEN MILLION! The data
may be questioned by some, just as deniers of the Nazi Holocaust question data
depicting the severity of that holocaust. What can't be questioned is the
spirit of the holocaust. Broken treaties that number in the thousands. Forced
relocations of Indians because the land they had been assigned as compensation
for having original land stolen, became valuable. Economic repressions.
Cultural anhilation. Economic destruction. The Indian has been decimated by the
American government. This is one of the worst holocausts in history. It ranks
right up there with what Hitler did. Hell, it even had its own nazi style camps
called reservations. Treated like animals, Indians were moved to human zoos.
The second American horror was slavery. The number of slaves owned in America
during the history of the horror was over 4 million. On the backs of the
African, the entire economy of the south was built. Murdered, beaten, raped,
sold, human spirit broken. This was the experience of the slave in America. The
great Jefferson, father of the American democratic idea, was himself a brutal,
barbaric slave owner. This is the reason why the entire american idealism of
democarcy and freedom is a poisoned and tainted one. It was created by a band
of barbarians and murderers with blood stained hands. This is why America went
on to become one of the gtreatest killers of our times. Even after the official
end of slavery, the KKK was tolerated, lynchings and murders were common place,
and America kept in place a segragationist policy that made South Africa look
like heaven for Africans.
Cambodia and Vietnam were another stage for American brutality. America
unleashed a chemical warfare that eclipsed anything mankind did before of
after. Napalm and Agent Orange were dumped on popuilated areas in the direct
hope of killing as many civillians as possible. In Cambodia, American B-52
bombers, using napalm and dart cluster-bombs, killed up to 750,000 Cambodians
in their effort to destroy suspected North Vietnamese supply lines.
In Vietnam, 3million died a a result of the war that America extended for years.
Seven million tons of bombs were dropped on Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos
Taki krój na przykład???