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    "Witold Władysław Wojciech Wilk" <maniack-n@cznet.org wrote in message


    Rowniez! :)

    film jest świetny, jeśli ktoś lubi choć trochę teatr, to powinno się mu
    spodować. film jest naprawdę niesamowity... aż nie chce mi się wierzyć,
    że to jest amerykańskie...

    Nie jest amerykanskie, jest bardziej dunskie (Lars Von Trier) jezeli chodzi
    o obsade to nalezy pamietac, ze John Hurt jest anglikiem (narrator), Nicole
    Kidman Australijka, Udo Kier niemcem (uwielbiam faceta ;) )... A calosc jest
    taka "amerykanska" bo jest to pierwszy film Von Triera z serii ktora ma sie
    nazywac (raczej ironicznie) "America, Land of Opportunities".


    Immigranten Hintergrund...

    Immigranten Hintergrund...

    Cytat (...)
    TĂźrken und ihre Verbende begrĂźnden ihre Anwesenheit auf dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland heute gern mit ihrer angeblichen frĂźheren Anwerbung als “dringend benĂśtigte Industriearbeiter”.

    In Wahrheit wollte nicht eine der Bundesregierungen der 1950er-, 1960er- und 1970er- Jahre tĂźrkische und andere Gastarbeiter haben.

    Nur auf gewaltigen Druck der Vereinigten Staaten - Deutschland war damals kein souveränes Land - nahm die Adenauer-Regierung Anfang der 1960er- Jahre einige kleine Kontingente tĂźrkischer Arbeitnehmer vorĂźbergehend als “Gastarbeiter” auf, um die unter innenpolitischen Druck geratene tĂźrkische Militärregierung (damals ein enger VerbĂźndeter der Amerikaner) vorĂźbergehend zu entlasten.
    Udo Ulfkotte
    Vorsicht BĂźrgerkrieg
    Seite 125

    (Kein kopierter Link, sonder abgetippt...)

    Um es zu verstehen, wie es zu 5 000 000 kam, muss man das Buch selbst durchlesen...

    Jurku, znalazlam jeszcze cos, co Cie moze bardzo zaciekawic.
    Udo Ulfkotte w "Heiliger Krieg in Europa" wyjasnia pojecie "Waqf" ktorego
    definicje powtarza za "Islamische Zeitung" a brzmi ona:
    "Als islamische Institution ist der Waqf ein Grundbesitz, ein bestimmtes
    VermĂśgen usw., das dem Nutzen der GeschĂśpfe gewidmet ist, um dem SchĂśpfer zu
    gefallen.Das gestifftete VermĂśgen oder der Besitz wird auf alle Zeiten zu Allahs
    Eigentum erklärt, d.h. der Stiffter eines Waqf hat keinerlei Besitzrechte
    hinsichtlich dieses VermĂśgens oder Grundbesitzes"

    Dalej Ulfkotte tlumaczy: "Wird in einem nichtmuslimischen Land etwa eine Moschee
    gabaut, dann sind die Moschee und das gehĂśrende Land Waqf. Waqf-Eigentum darf
    (aus der Sicht des Islam) weder beschlagnahmt noch verkauft werden-schon gar
    nicht an Nichtmuslime. Das gilt- wie gesagt- fĂźr alle Zeiten."

    Dalej, Ulfkotte tlumaczy ze rowniez ziemie zajete w czasie podbojow islamu sa
    "Waqf", czyli wieczysta wlasnoscia Allaha. Do tych ziem nalezy Palestyna,
    Sycylia, Balkany i Austria po Wieden, Hiszpania i Francja po Poitiers.

    P.S. Podaj mi jeden powod dla ktorego we wspolistnieniu z muzulmanami w Europie
    mielibysmy wypracowywac jakies nowe "wspolne" wartosci, skoro jestesmy
    zadowoleni z tych, jakie do tej pory wypracowalismy?

    Pani Grundler wprowadza w bład-oto co mysla w NPD
    Pani Grundler nie ma racji pisząć "Nie oznacza historycznego rewizjonizmu,
    zamykania oczu na przeszłość, czego w Polsce tak bardzo się boimy"
    Oto co mówi Udo Voigt przewodniczący NPD :
    First of all, I must make clear that I am giving this interview in a land in
    which there is no law which explicitly guarantees the right to freely express
    one's opinions. For this reason National Vanguard readers would be advised to
    read between the lines. Individuals uttering forbidden statements, including
    statements made in foreign countries, may face criminal charges in Germany.
    Subjects which are absolutely taboo include the so called "Holocaust," the
    Third Reich, and the question of alleged "German guilt" for World War Two. We
    do not live in a democratic, constitutional state, as claimed by Germany's
    current government, but rather in a police state.

    Germany lost the war, and her current masters have made every form of national
    resistance to their tyranny illegal. It should also be said that the NPD is the
    only currently legal political party which has stated clearly: Our fathers were
    not criminals.

    The NPD also acknowledges the natural law of the inequality of human beings.
    Our beliefs are in clear opposition to the position taken by the established
    parties. We see man as a product of his genetic inheritance: a product which is
    only partly influenced by his upbringing and other social factors

    Germany will honorably take her place among the world's nations as an equal
    partner and will no longer tolerate the blackmail methods used by her enemies

    Dziennikarska nierzetelność czy świadome wprowadzanie w błąd ?

    Grundler myli sie-wypowiedż przewodniczącego NPD
    Pani Grundler nie ma racji pisząć "Nie oznacza historycznego rewizjonizmu,
    zamykania oczu na przeszłość, czego w Polsce tak bardzo się boimy"
    Oto co mówi Udo Voigt przewodniczący NPD :
    First of all, I must make clear that I am giving this interview in a land in
    which there is no law which explicitly guarantees the right to freely express
    one's opinions. For this reason National Vanguard readers would be advised to
    read between the lines. Individuals uttering forbidden statements, including
    statements made in foreign countries, may face criminal charges in Germany.
    Subjects which are absolutely taboo include the so called "Holocaust," the
    Third Reich, and the question of alleged "German guilt" for World War Two. We
    do not live in a democratic, constitutional state, as claimed by Germany's
    current government, but rather in a police state.

    Germany lost the war, and her current masters have made every form of national
    resistance to their tyranny illegal. It should also be said that the NPD is the
    only currently legal political party which has stated clearly: Our fathers were
    not criminals.

    The NPD also acknowledges the natural law of the inequality of human beings.
    Our beliefs are in clear opposition to the position taken by the established
    parties. We see man as a product of his genetic inheritance: a product which is
    only partly influenced by his upbringing and other social factors

    Germany will honorably take her place among the world's nations as an equal
    partner and will no longer tolerate the blackmail methods used by her enemies

    Dziennikarska nierzetelność czy świadome wprowadzanie w błąd ?


    01. Mastercutor 05:17
    02. The Wrong Side of Midnight 04:54
    03. The Instigator 03:48
    04. One Lone Voice 04:21
    05. We Do - for You 04:04
    06. Walker of the Dark 05:01
    07. Master of Disaster 04:15
    08. Tears of A Clown 03:54
    09. Vendetta 04:12
    10. Borderline (Bonus Track) 04:13
    11. The Devil Walks Alone 03:21
    12. Screaming Eagles (Bonus Track) 03:35
    13. Dead Man's Eyes 04:27
    14. Crash Bang Crash 03:06

    Faceless World

    Heart Of Gold
    Blitz Of Lightning
    System Of Life
    Faceless World
    Restricted Area
    Living On A Frontline
    Trip To Nowhere
    Born To Run
    Can't Get Enough
    Unspoken Words
    Future Land

    Animal House

    Animal House
    Go Back To Hell
    They Want War
    Black Widow
    In The Darkness
    Lay Down The Law
    We Want It Loud
    Hot Tonight
    Coming Home
    Run For Cover


    Independence Day
    Two Faced Woman
    Desperate Balls
    The Punisher
    Devil's Dice
    Bad Luck
    Preachers Of The Night
    Hate Stinger
    Braindead Hero
    Pray For The Hunted
    The Healer

    No Limits

    01. The Gate
    02. Freelance Man
    03. Way Of Life
    04. No Limits
    05. With A Vengeance
    06. One Step To Fate
    07. Backstreet Loner
    08. Raise The Crown
    09. Manhunt
    10. Rated X
    11. Lovemachine
    12. I'm A Rebel
    13. Azrael

    Mission No. X

    01. The Embarkation (1:30)
    02. Mission No. X (4:07)
    03. 24/7 (3:57)
    04. Mean Streets (4:20)
    05. Primecrime On Primetime (3:55)
    06. Eye Of The Eagle (5:07)
    07. Shell Shock Fever (3:53)
    08. Stone Hard (4:20)
    09. Breaking Down The Borders (3:19)
    10. Cry Soldier Cry (5:15)
    11. Way Of Life (3:3
    12. Mad For Crazy (3:47)


    The Gutter
    Metal Eater
    Burning Heat
    Back In Pain
    Kick In The Face
    Soldiers Of Darkness
    Metal Maniac Master Mind

    Man & Machine

    Man & Machine
    Private Eyes
    Animal Instinct
    The Dawn Of The Gods
    Dancing With An Angel *Duet With Doro Pesch*
    Silent Cry
    Network Nightmare
    Hard To Be Honest
    Like A Lion
    Black Heart
    Unknown Traveller


    Raiders Of Beyond
    Shout It Out
    Recall The Sin
    Thunder In The Tower
    Back Off
    Friends Will Be Friends
    State Run Operation
    Ride The Storm
    Cut Me Out

    Mean Machine

    Don't Look Back
    Break The Rules
    We're History
    Painted Love
    Mean Machine
    Dirty Boys
    Streets On Fire
    Lost Passion
    Sweet Little Child
    Catch My Fall
    Still In Love With You


    The Arbiter
    Pull The Trigger
    Fistful Of Anger
    The Land Of The Midnight Sun
    Hell Bites Back
    Trainride In Russia
    The Bullet & The Bomb
    The Magic Mirror
    Tough Luck II
    Blind Eyes

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