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    KOCHAM! Gdy nie mam co robić (na wakacjach) sięgam oczywiście po puzzle. Na początku bawiłam się w jakieś maluchy, ale przeszłam do trudniejszych. 2 moje ulubione to Bitwa pod Grunwaldem oraz Monaliza, która wisi na ścianie. Na razie układam 1000 - 2000, ponieważ na większe niestety nie mam czasu ani miejsca. Chociaż marzą mi się puzzle na 10 000 kawałków zawieszone na ścianie... ; D Ale jakieś takie boskie np. z świetnym zespołem - mniam!

    ALABAMA SMITH in the QUEST of FATE | 129.4 MB
    Hidden Object/Puzzle Game!

    Ever since Alabama Smith barely escaped with his life after going back in time to witness the destruction of Pompeii, he's been living a scholarly life. Now it's time for him to toss aside his books and head to Peru for an all-new time-twisting adventure involving powerful relics that could alter the destiny of mankind!
    Join Alabama and his girlfriend, Anastasia, as they hunt for the elusive Crystals of Fortune using the Amulet of Time. Jump back and forth between the past and the present to solve mind-bending puzzles, search for cleverly hidden objects and stop a shadowy nemesis from finding the Crystals first!
    Game Features:

    ? More than 25 locations
    ? Four playable characters
    ? More than 20 logic mini-games
    ? Two different endings
    ? Photorealistic graphics


    System Requirements:
    ? Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
    ? 1 GHz processor
    ? 512 MB RAM
    ? 64 MB DirectX-compatible graphics card


    Aby móc zobaczyć zawartość umieszczoną w tagu [ CODE ] musisz się zarejestrować

    Aby móc zobaczyć zawartość umieszczoną w tagu [ CODE ] musisz się zarejestrować

    Demon Lord! Możemy porozmawiać [Hi^^]

    Dracu -Starsze płyty Disturbed są o wiele lepsze, choćby takie utwory jak: Decadence, Down With The Sickness, Shout 2000, Stricken.

    Girugamesh - MUSIC [2008]

    1. -INTRO-
    2. Break Down [PV]
    3. ULTIMATE 4
    4. FREAKS
    5. アングリージュース (Angry Juice)
    6. evolution
    7. -INST.-
    8. puzzle
    9. Asking why
    10. DEAD WORLD
    11. イシュタル (Ishtar)
    12. 縁enishi



    Obulis is IonFx's new Puzzle/Action game for Windows PCs. Based on our award-winning mobile games of the same name, Obulis takes things to the next level by fusing highly compelling gameplay with outstanding graphics, music and state of the art physics effects.

    The goal of Obulis is to drop all of the colored spheres into their like-colored pots. Spheres are connected to the playfield using chains and ropes and the player must cut these constraints to put the spheres in motion. The controls are extremely simple and intuitive. Obulis can literally be learned in seconds, but the puzzles will keep you thinking for hours.

    • Over 150 Levels
    • Breathtaking Graphics and Music
    • Spectacular Physics and Special Effects

    Recommended System Specs

    • Windows Vista/XP/2000/ME/98
    • Pentium 4 Class CPU or better
    • 128 MB RAM
    • 3D Hardware Accelerated Graphics

    The Sultan's Labyrinth: A Royal Sacrifice [ENG]

    The Sultan's Labyrinth: A Royal Sacrifice

    Developer: Big Fish Games
    Genre: Hidden Object, Puzzle

    In this game you will have to use your Hidden Object skills to help Tallis escape a mysterious labyrinth, and save Sultan Bahar’s soul! An evil genie has appeared the night before the sultan’s funeral, and has demanded to take him away. As the next in line to the throne, it is up to Tallis to defeat the genie by escaping his maze and reclaiming his father-in-law’s soul! Solve tricky puzzles and mysterious locks to make your way to freedom!

    · Immersive atmosphere
    · Tricky puzzles
    · Defeat the genie!

    System Requirements:

    · OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
    · CPU: 1.0 GHz
    · RAM: 256 MB
    · DirectX 9.0 or better
    · 100 MB available hard disk space

    The Sultan's Labyrinth: A Royal Sacrifice Screenshots, screen capture - Softpedia


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  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • frania1320.xlx.pl